Sengoku Night Blood poster image

Sengoku Night Blood



After a blinding light emanates from her phone, soft-spoken Yuzuki is suddenly transported to an alternate world known as Shinga. The strange place resembles the Sengoku period—a turbulent time in Japanese history known for long civil wars that ravaged the country.

Here, the Gekkazoku, tribes of non-human creatures like vampires and werewolves, live in harmony with humans. This harmony was maintained under the governance of Himemiko, a woman with the power to protect Shinga. However, due to her mysterious disappearance, the world has fallen into disarray. Now, Yuzuki must find Himemiko in order to go back home; but, the ongoing feud between the warlords only impedes her progress.

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Average score

5.70 out of 10. 1 vote.

Release date

03 Oct 2017

Total episodes*


Episode duration


TV rating



Video Game

*Total episodes includes sequel seasons / OVAs / movies. Information compiled from AniList and MyAnimeList

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*Trailer may be unavailable in certain regions

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