Sora to Umi no Aida poster image

Sora to Umi no AidaBetween the Sky and Sea


#cute-girls doing cute things


In the future in Onomichi, Hiroshima fish disappear from the sea around the world and only whales live in the ocean. The Ministry of Fishery decides to set up giant experimental Universe Fish Tanks in space. The Onomichi Universe Fishery Union is established and begins to train space fishermen. Female fishermen are in demand due to the strengthening of an equal employment law for men and women. Six new female space fishermen are selected, and the story centers on supporting their growth.

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Average score

5.25 out of 10. 1 vote.

Release date

04 Oct 2018

Total episodes*


Episode duration


TV rating



Video Game

*Total episodes includes sequel seasons / OVAs / movies. Information compiled from AniList and MyAnimeList

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*Trailer may be unavailable in certain regions

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