Sumeba Miyako no Cosmos-sou Suttoko Taisen Dokkoida poster image

Sumeba Miyako no Cosmos-sou Suttoko Taisen DokkoidaDokkoida?!

Action, Adventure, Comedy, Parody, Sci-Fi


The Galaxy Federation Police (GFP) desperately wants to cover-up its personnel shortage with new mechanized power-suits. Suzuo, 19-years old, desperately needs a job. Tampopo needs an earthling to fit the prototype of her company's suit and declares Suzuo the perfect candidate! Strong competitors and the wacky A-class criminals fight against our hero in diapers, but they must not recognize each other out of costume or the test results will be a failure- but it's OK if they all live in the same apartment building to save money, right?

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Average score

6.35 out of 10. 1 vote.

Release date

05 Jul 2003

Total episodes*


Episode duration


TV rating



Light Novel

*Total episodes includes sequel seasons / OVAs / movies. Information compiled from AniList and MyAnimeList

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*Trailer may be unavailable in certain regions

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*Streaming availability determined based on USA licensing