Tejina-senpaiMagical Sempai
ComedyEcchiRomanceSchoolSlice of Life
Starting his new term at Tanenashi High School, an unmotivated freshman searches for a club that requires minimal participation to suit his needs. He then comes across the magic clubroom, and inside is a cute upperclassman practicing her magic tricks. Suffering from stage fright that causes her to slip up in her acts, she has a tendency to end up in the most embarrassing situations. Despite having little interest in a club run by an incapable magician, the freshman finds himself involved as a new member, experiencing all sorts of awkward moments with his eccentric mentor.
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Average score
6.25 out of 10. 1 vote.
Release date
02 Jul 2019
Total episodes*
Episode duration
TV rating
*Total episodes includes sequel seasons / OVAs / movies. Information compiled from AniList and MyAnimeList
*Trailer may be unavailable in certain regions
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